Mini Bulls 2025


Toddler Cricket at South Northumberland Cricket Club

We will run sessions for ages 2 - 4 yrs olds.

A fun introduction to Cricket for both boys and girls who haven't quite made it to school yet or are at Nursery and can have a morning of Active Cricket fun!

We hope to improve balance, coordination, speed, confidence, socialising and teamwork. New sessions have been released starting on Monday 10th February and Friday 14th February this course will be on for 7 weeks finishing Monday 31st March and Friday 4th April. (NOT ON WEEK COMMENCING 24TH FEB FOR HALF TERM).

All session will be inside our Cricket Centre at South Northumberland cricket Club. We have enthusiastic coaches who are experienced with kids of all ages and ECB DBS qualified.

There will be complimentary teas, coffees and biscuits for parents after the session until 10:30.

Each session will start at 9am and last 45 minutes at a cost of £8.

If you have any questions please email Alasdair on and don't forgot to include your child's name, DOB and medical conditions in the essential info box on the next page.  

Personal Details

As part of the future event/course promotion, you may receive communications from us via email and sometimes phone. These will all be relevant to your event attendance/course booking and the SNCC. We will always treat your personal data with the utmost care and respect. We will not share your data with third parties other than those required to process your event or course booking (e.g. our conference/association management company). You can change your mind at any time by emailing us at